Data privacy

ALDI MOBILE has implemented technological and organisational measures to ensure that the protection of the personal data processed by us is as seamless as possible.

We do want to point out, however, that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed.

Furthermore, we also want to bring to your attention that you should make additional efforts to protect yourself. This will help all of us in better dealing with risks related to your sensitive data. Please visit the following page for an overview of measures you can take to protect your data:

General terms and conditions


Access to our website and the use of our online services

If you do not agree to our Data Privacy Statement (“Statement”), we recommend refraining from accessing any further content on the Sunrise ALDI SUISSE MOBILE, hereinafter ALDI MOBILE, website.

Please note that the Statement can be updated at any time. We thus recommend regularly checking our website for any updates.

Please also note that the data privacy provisions of the current Sunrise general terms and conditions apply in addition to this Statement.


Which data are collected by us as a result of your use of our services and products?

We process personal data that you provide to us when concluding a contract and using our services and products as well as data that you enter into a registration page. When processing data, we ensure compliance with the applicable data protection requirements.

The personal data processed by us are

  1. Personal details 
    Personal details are made up of three essential components: contact details, contract details, and billing details. Examples of personal details are your first and last name, address, gender, date of birth, phone number, and e-mail address.
  2. Location data
  3. Usage data (phone or Internet)


What data do we use to operate our apps?

We use your personal data to ensure that our apps function as expected. This concerns registration data as well as data about features you use within the app. To remedy faults and disruptions, we sometimes also have to use personal data; for example to find out when an app feature is not working (properly). During a system inspection, we keep our analyses as simple and short as possible and delete the data again after we no longer need them for remedying or improvement measures.

Within your personalised and protected “Account Manager” area, you have the option of managing your personal information as well as the data on the services you use. Here, the processing of certain personal data is necessary. For example, this includes: 

  • your first and last name,
  • your home address and billing address,
  • your e-mail address,
  • your date of birth,
  • your Account Manager password, as well as
  • your desired correspondence language. 


What data are processed when making an online purchase?

If you purchase a product or procure a fee-based service through the ALDI MOBILE Internet page, you must provide data such as your first and last name, address, and potentially other data, because we require these data to process the contract with you. If you choose to use an online payment option, such as a credit card, when buying a product or fee-based service, payment takes place using the online payment system of the respective provider. Hereby, we are neither aware of your payment data, nor process them; we merely store information on your current and previous purchases and the contract you have concluded, such as the purchased products or procured services. Please note that when using online payment systems, the data privacy provisions of the respective provider of the online payment system additionally apply.


For what purposes do we use the collected data?

We are primarily concerned about ensuring that we can keep our contractual obligations towards you and ensuring that our services are operated trouble-free to the greatest possible extent using the various data and information available to us. In relation to the offers, we must be able to take into consideration restrictions as well as deviating payment conditions for credit reasons; this requires additional evaluations. We process data for the following: 

  • to process and respond to the individual requests you submit to ALDI MOBILE,
  • to verify the requirements for signing a contract,
  • to meet contractual obligations,
  • to evaluate your usage, order, and request customs,
  • to safeguard our customer and user administration,
  • to validate and update your datasets,
  • to inform you about our services, products, and any promotions,
  • to prevent illegitimate use of services (particularly to prevent instances of fraud when concluding a contract and during the contract duration),
  • to publish directory files (such as,
  • to maintain, develop, and sustain the customer relationship with you,
  • to individualise services or provide personalised content, for example by making evaluations of a demographic nature, of usage behaviour, and of user interests,
  • to carry out credit check [HS1] with orders, as well as
  • to offer any other features on the ALDI MOBILE website in specific cases.


How long are your data stored by ALDI MOBILE?

We need the personal details for the duration of the contractual relationship. Your data will be deleted in the business year following the termination of the contractual relationship, unless we are obligated by law to further storage.

Location data are stored for the legally prescribed activities in accordance with the BÜPF/VÜPF, and then deleted.

The usage data are also only stored for as long as we need them for our legitimate interests, and then deleted.


Which web analysis tools do we use?

We use web analysis tools to gain insights into the use of our web pages and to improve our Internet offer. These tools are usually provided by a third party. Generally, the information collected on the use of a website for this purpose is transmitted to the server of the third party by means of cookies. These servers may be located outside of Switzerland, depending on the provider. You can prevent tracking via web analysis tools using the opt-out options specified in the cookies list. You can additionally block the use of your data for marketing and analysis purposes in your Account Manager.


Cookie Consent

In order to make your visit to our website as convenient as possible, we make use of cookies. You can find more information here.


About cookies

Cookies are text files which are saved on your end device by the browser to provide information about your use of our websites. We use these cookies to offer you the greatest possible comfort of operation and to ensure that we can keep designing our online offer in an attractive way.

By default, your browser accepts cookies. You do not have to make any special settings to enable the storing of cookies on your computer. If you wish to deactivate the storage of cookies, you can obtain more detailed information on how to do so using the help function in the menu bar of your browser. Please note that the use of our websites might be restricted if you deactivate cookies. We recommend allowing the use of cookies, because there otherwise exists a chance that the functionality of the website is restricted.


Managing cookies

The cookies ALDI MOBILE uses on its webpages may also come from independent third parties such as advertising partners or Internet service providers. You can manage third-party cookie settings yourself at any time. Below you will find a list of providers who use cookies on our webpage. You can manage your personal cookie settings by means of the respective provider's opt-out function. Please note that you may not be able to completely use all the features of our Internet page if you decline or delete cookies.

Third-party cookies and tracking technologies


Data processing related to the provision of services as well as innovation promotion

The available data offer various options of fine-tuning to the greatest extent on how we consult or contact you, or which offers we make to you, in line with your needs. To be able to offer you all these services, we must in some instances also work together with advertising partners, to for example show product information via TV programmes, mobile apps, or websites. As you might not have the same service requirements as other ALDI MOBILE customers, there also exists the option of creating advertisements or offers tailored to specific regions, age groups, or also users.

That is why we also cooperate with selected third parties. Together, we try to develop new services, which can be offered to you either by us or by third parties. If the data we collect by performing our service are used and collected for analysis purposes, we will comply with the legal requirements. In particular, such data will be provided to third parties in anonymised form, meaning that no conclusions can be drawn about you as our customer.

We require your consent to carry out such data processing.


Are your data transferred to foreign countries?

In principle, your personal data are only stored within Switzerland or the European Union; particularly sensitive information is only stored in Switzerland. When working with processors who act on our behalf outside of the EU, we comply with the requirements of the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner, and, if necessary, take into consideration the rules of the European Commission. It has been ensured that commissioned third parties are committed to data protection in a similar manner as ALDI MOBILE itself.


Are your data disclosed to third parties?

We will transfer your personal data if we are allowed to or required to under Swiss or European law. We cooperate particularly closely with some partners, for example in customer service or with IT service providers. We create detailed contractual specifications to ensure that these partners are allowed to process your personal data on our behalf.

If you make an emergency call from your smartphone, we pass on your location data to the responsible authority handling the emergency. We are furthermore obligated to, in certain situations, disclose your personal contract, connection, or location data to Swiss authorities. We will however only do so if we are legally obligated to. This might for example be the case if there is a judicial decision in criminal proceedings.


What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

You have the right to receive written information about the processing of your personal data by us, generally free of charge. Send a written request for information and include a copy of your ID card or passport to the address listed below.

You furthermore have the right to request correction of your personal data if there are errors. You have the right to deletion of your personal data if we are not obligated or entitled to continued storage under applicable laws and regulations. Lastly, you have the right to revoke your consent or object to your consent to process personal data. You can do so through the pages specified in this data privacy statement and by adjusting the settings to consent or revoke consent related to data use and processing.

Please feel free to contact us as follows if you have any questions or issues:

By postal service: ALDI SUISSE MOBILE, c/o Sunrise GmbH, Data Protection Officer, c/o Corporate Affairs, Thurgauerstrasse 101B, P.O. Box, 8050 Zurich

By e-mail:


Chat bot

In order to answer all your questions and help you manage your mobile account easily,  we make use of a AI-powered chatbot.  Available 24/7, the chatbot can assist with plan upgrades, billing questions, monitor your usage, and more—all instant!


About Chat bot

We use third-party services for the chatbot. Typically, the information collected for this purpose is transmitted to the third-party provider’s server. Depending on the provider, these servers may be located abroad. The information collected includes, among other things, the type of requests made and the interaction duration. This data is used to optimize the chatbot service, ensure quality control, and conduct statistical analyses.


Terms of Use

The information provided by this chatbot is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as advice of any kind. While we strive to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, we do not provide any guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the provided information. Our company, along with its developers, operators, and partners, is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided or for any losses or damages of any kind arising from the use of this chatbot or the information it provides. Any liability in this context is excluded to the extent permitted by law.